About the Global Climate Pledge

By 2022, we are expected to have approximately 8 billion people on our planet. The Global Climate Pledge is seeking to engage 25% of that population in the next 2 years. We ask for those who are leading a carbon-intensive lifestyle to start making changes, but we also want to include those who are most at risk to help us build a brighter future for all!
We recognize the progress our national governments and international organizations (like the UN) are making, but we know there is an urgent need to engage citizens and additional NGOs, businesses, governments, etc. in every country to assure we hold global warming well below 2℃ to benefit our health, security and prosperity. This is the time we can come together to decrease our global emissions exponentially.

The U.S. Green Chamber of Commerce, Climate Counts and Rotary Club of Newport Beach – Global Service Rotary Club were the first few groups to join forces in engaging 2 billion people in the next 2 years to start taking climate action. We are in the process of finding additional global team organizations.

Join us!

We are looking for partners/affiliates including:
  • Non-governmental Organizations
  • Government Entities
  • Clubs
  • Religious Organizations
  • Media Partners
  • Non-profit Organizations
  • Individuals
  • Etc.

If you and your organization are interested in being a leader in this movement please contact info@usgreenchamber.com

Consider Making a Donation!