The Biden Administration’s Approach to Climate Change
Author Cody Baynori
Paging Earth is a climate communications blog dedicated to demystifying, depolarizing and educating the public about climate change activism and climate science. Each week, one of our GCP team members shares the content currently making their world go ‘round. This week, our Southern Communication’s Liaison and Law Analyst Madison Kate Williams shares their top picks:…
Global solutions, like climate change itself, are multifaceted — one policy does not, and cannot, fit all. Solutions that outline multiple routes toward achieving the same goal are often better suited for worldwide implementation.
Whether or not you believe in climate change, environmental degradation is uncomfortable, distressing, or downright depressing to think about.
School systems around the world have not integrated environmental education into curriculum. What can educators do to connect students to issues like climate change?
With the COVID-19 pandemic, our world has shifted dramatically — for some more than others. Despite all of the distractions and problems we are all facing right now, climate change has not been put on pause. Climate change continues to harm us all — but especially marginalized communities all over the world, alongside our planet.
Paging Earth is a climate communications blog dedicated to demystifying, depolarizing and educating the public about climate change activism and climate science. Each week, one of our GCP team members shares the content currently making their world go ‘round. This week, our Climate Media & Communications Design Coordinator Cate Southwell shares their top picks…
Paging Earth is a climate communications blog dedicated to demystifying, depolarizing and educating the public about climate change activism and climate science. Each week, one of our GCP team members shares the content currently making their world go ‘round. This week, our Media & Communications Manager Kat Shok shares their top picks of the week:…
Only an environmental culture shift — on both sides of the political aisle and around the globe — can help environmentalism transcend polarization through education.
Paging Earth is a climate communications blog dedicated to demystifying, depolarizing and educating the public about climate change activism and climate science. Each week, one of our GCP team members shares the content currently making their world go ‘round. This week, our Media and Communications Youth Coordinator and Paging Earth writer, Hannah Siebert shares her…
Your alarm sounds. You roll over, reach for your phone, and check social media. Scrolling past a surprising headline, you share it with your friends. And each day, the ritual repeats. Social media’s influence is powerful, especially in regards to climate action. Platforms like Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook are increasingly popular arenas for exchanging…
Through climate media and communications, we have the power to empower, and we have to take this role seriously.
Scientists are bad at translating jargon, and politicians are great at spinning facts. Enter the climate communicator, playing a key role in educating the public on climate change issues.